This workshop aims to bring together probabilists and mathematicians interested in the fields of dynamical systems and mathematical physics to encourage discussions that may lead to the establishment of a new research group in Mexico and, of course, to promote new collaborations. Probability and Dynamical systems are two areas of mathematics, which are well represented in Mexico. The natural link between these two communities are dynamical systems which are perturbed by some random environment. Both communities have been studying separately with different approaches subjects which are tightly interrelated. Recently, a first exchange took place between both communities and this first interaction detonated a growing interest for further exchanges as we believe it may lead to a deeper understanding of these random dynamical systems and to have a positive impact on both communities.
These reasons have motivated to some members of both groups to open a space to promote this exchange of ideas. We are confident that this initiative will extensively benefit from the experience learned by similar groups abroad. The program of this workshop consists of series of talks by international leading specialists on these topics. The Workshop will be held at Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas at Guanajuato, Mexico on November 20-24, 2017
Organizing Committee
Juan Carlos Pardo, CIMAT, Mexico
Renato Iturriaga, CIMAT, Mexico
Sergio López, Facultad de Ciencias-UNAM, Mexico
For more information please contact to Rosy